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iTunes Question

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    iTunes Question

    I used to have a 13" Macbook with my iTunes data on but I've since sold it and moved all my iTunes data over to my Windows 7 PC, I've since bought a macbook air and I now want to be able to listen to my music when using my macbook air.

    I know I can share my itunes library but it means keeping my pc on but I lose my playlist's which is a pain. If I put my itunes data on a nasdrive is there any program that I can use on my macbook and windows pc so I can still manage my playlist and play count across the two systems or does anyone know of another solution.

    Thanks in advance

    I'm not really sure about managing your songs across two systems, however you could look into opening a cloud account with an program like mspot as I'm pretty sure that saves playlists for you.

    That way you can upload all your music online and acsess it from any system you like, including an iPod or a smartphone if you have one.
    Last edited by rmoxon; 14-12-2011, 12:06.

