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Mega Drive 1 power problem

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    Mega Drive 1 power problem

    i have a little problem with my mega drive, the machine works but the little power connector in the console is giving me grief. I have to wiggle or push the power cable really hard to try and power the console up only to move slightly and power off.

    Any suggestions on how to fix it or replace the jack inside the console as i borrowed my friends copy of atomic robo kid and really looking forward to playing it.

    There's a chance all you'd need to do is reheat the three points for the DC jack with a soldering iron and it should make it secure.

    Or it could be the small metal pin you see inside the socket, or the flat metal piece not making proper contact which you could pull out a bit using a pin or thin screwdriver(be careful!):

    If need be, you could probably get a replacement jack from Maplin if they're the same shape.

    Worst case is that the now wobbly jack has already damaged the solder pads beyond easy repair but I doubt that, seeing as you can actually power it.

    Are you sure it's the socket itself and not the wired connector?

