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CPU Fan making a clicking noise at slow speeds.

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    CPU Fan making a clicking noise at slow speeds.

    I thought it was my GPU, and it's not a terrible clicking it's just there all the time when it's idling and VERY grating.

    It's definitely my CPU Cooler because I ran IntelBurn and as soon as the fan kicks in the sound goes. I have a Coolermaster Hyper 212 Plus. Think it's busted? One thing I will mention, my 4th ram stick is RIGHT on it, because it was such a tight squeeze.

    So I don't know if that could be causing it. But I would have thought that-that would have got worse as the fan speed increased, not better.

    I should mention, this computer is relatively new. I made it in october I think.

    Last edited by Synthesthesia; 09-01-2012, 22:16.

    Well, remove the ram stick and see what happens. Could the ram be pressing against the casing at all?

    If not, might be worth grabbing another fan.


      When I have smart temperature monitoring on I have noticed when it doesn't use the fan it sometimes ticks over, as it starts then stop immediately. I haven't ever heard it over the rest of the fans though so maybe it is catching.


        The motherboard is adjusting the voltage according to the temperature. Fans have a start-up voltage value which has to be achieved for the fan to begin spinning. This is fan dependent so don't worry if it isn't spinning. On my old Xigmatek HDT-S1283 the fan barely ever spun, my E4400 sat at around 29C most of the time is why.


          My theory:

          There's probably some bit of wire or similar soft thing getting knocked by the fan blades. When it's spinning slowly, you hear it but when the fan ramps up, the airflow could be enough to push it away which is why it goes quiet?

          I had the opposite situation with a Vaio laptop - at low speeds it was quiet but, ramped up, it had a clackety noise like those bicycle spoke clappers. It was the fan wire.


            I took out the ram stick that slightly pressed against it, it made no difference at all. There's no wire near it or anything :/


              Can you hear the ticking if you spin the fan by hand?


                A little I think yeah. Not as loud as when it's on but I hear a faint drag style sound.


                  Just recorded some audio with my iPhone and it's definitely coming from the CPU Fan, as far as I can see there's no wires around it/ anything to touch it. Any ideas? Does it sound like I need to get it replaced? I'm uploading the audio now see what you guys think. (I moved it in the clip from my CPU fan, to the GPU fan to my PSU fan.)

                  (and voice memos decides not to email my clip. Grr.)
                  Last edited by Synthesthesia; 13-01-2012, 17:37.


                    It could be something inside the fan body itself, like the bearings. Dunno if they still use balls in fans or if they're all fluid bearings but if you're sure you've checked around the fan, I'd expect it's that. I've never had much luck fiddling with the actual fan mechanisms and being able to fit the fan back together so it's your call


                      I've just tilted my PC towards the front of the case...and the sound stops. So I think it must be catching on something inside the fan. I've got it propped up at the minute, but this is obviously not a permanent solution :/


                        Fashion a really cool diagonal stand for it!

