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Ps Vita Nat Type 3 issue...

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    Ps Vita Nat Type 3 issue...

    I have a problem that suddenly manifested itself last night.

    I have been connecting to online games without issue but now I'm faced with Nat type 3 that will not go away.

    I have a BT Home Hub (version2), I have tried enabling and disabling UPNP and the firewall which makes no difference at all.

    I have Nat type 2 on my PS3 and Live works perfectly. I have reset back to factory settings on my Vita and reset the router numerous times but still getting type 3.

    A little help would be much appreciated as I need my online tennis fix!

    It shouldn't make any difference to playing. NAT Type 3 only affects online chat.
    Kept you waiting, huh?


      Hmmmm, well every time I play a ranked match I get the usual 'A new challenger' come up on screen but instead of connecting like it has been doing it just comes up error and reverts back to the previous menu.


        aaaand now it's working again...


          I'm on bt neil and the whole thing went bat**** crackers last night think its a bt problem


            Just like the PS3 and 360 you need to setup your router to stop yourself having limited connectivity.

            Nat type 3 means you cannot directly connect to a player or host who has nat type 2 or 3.
            So not only will it stop you chatting with 2/3s you can't connect to a player who is hosting if they are 2 or 3

            Visit and follow a ps3/360 guide, but just set the IP address on you vita


              Tried that without success.
              When I'm displaying the list of currently connected devices on my home hub my Vita isn't listed even though it's connected...


                You could get around it by getting a HH3 I just checked mine and it shows up not ideal like


                  Originally posted by neil2k View Post
                  Tried that without success.
                  When I'm displaying the list of currently connected devices on my home hub my Vita isn't listed even though it's connected...
                  It might be that it only shows devices connected via dhcp and you've set a static IP for vita.

                  Did you put it int a DMZ?


                    I just wanted to bump this thread up and chip in - I'm having the exact same problem. Funnily enough, with a BT Home Hub 2.0.

                    Constant NAT Type 3.

                    Correct port mapping doesn't do anything. DMZ produces 'NAT Failed' and won't give the Vita an internet connection. Wipeout 2049 will crash and burn with an error code c2-12828-1 9 times out of 10. It will occasionally work.

                    A google search or two suggests there are a LOT of people having the issue, and the Home Hub 3.0 is even worse apparently!

                    Suggested action is change router. If anybody's had any luck otherwise, please let me know and let me know what ports you've used.


                      Yeah same problem here. Resistance Burning Skies doesn't even allow me to enter the online pass. It tells me to switch to type 2 before.

                      I've tried port forwarding:
                      TCP: 80,443,465,993,3478,3479, 3480, 5223, 8080
                      UDP: 3478,3479
                      to the vita IP or even DMZ.

                      But nothing changes.

                      Has anyone found a solution since yet?


                        New router is the way. It's BT Home Hub 2.0 (A type) that seems to have the problem.

                        You can either request a new Home Hub 2.0 (B type) or get a Home Hub 3.0. Both of those worked for me.

