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Anyone else having problems with WINSHOW?

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    Anyone else having problems with WINSHOW?

    Something recently happening to my PC here. Every so often (almost every day now), something from somewhere is installing in my Documents&Settings folder something called winshow.dll and a couple of other things. What this causes to happen is that it auto closes every IE window I have past the first one, and makes a pop up add apeear from time to time (which gets blocked due to my stopper).

    Any idea where it comes from? I have my firewall running and despite blocking things it still seems to get through. I can remove it with Adaware each time, but it's beginning to get annoying now...
    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


    and another link, with different instructions for removal:

    you might as well try both


      Unregistering and removing the dlls should work.
      Have a scan through your registry for winshow too.

      In all fairness it can't just install itself. You must be accepting it somewhere along the line for it to keep coming back.


        Cheers for that. I guess I will have to be even more vigilant even though I hardly let anything through over what's already allowed in the firewall. Maybe I'll have to go check that over...
        Lie with passion and be forever damned...


          Well I found something. Along the way something had added itself to my Start Menu without asking and that was what was triggering the load of Winshow from time to time. Now it's removed, should be more okay...
          Lie with passion and be forever damned...

