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Preparing a 3DS for selling on?

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    Preparing a 3DS for selling on?

    Going to sell my very under used 3DS. Before I do, anyone give me tips for preparing it for the next person?

    Can I keep any downloaded software on it without leaving a profile/eShop on it or should I just format it clean to be safe?


    Anything that you downloaded is tied to your e-shop, you wouldn't be able to remove that & leave the games as Nintendo are really tight when it comes to stuff like that. Best just doing a system format to remove everything but i don't think it stores anything really sensitive, speaking from the Jp version if you use your credit card to buy stuff the only info that is left after purchase is a reciept in purchase history in the shop options & most of that is blanked out just the minimal info is displayed, they wouldn't be able to do much with it.

    Best doing a format though if your a bit wary.

