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Graphics card issues!

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    Graphics card issues!

    Hi guys and gurus, having some issues with a new graphics card and seek help!

    System turns on fine, surfing etc appears ok but when a game starts its ok for a min or two....then the frames drop quick before the card drops off and I get no signal.....then have to restart.

    Do we think overheating?

    We do. Get something running that'll monitor the card temps and also generate a log so you can look after the reboot


      What's the specs of the machine, including the GFX card and PSU? Also what did you upgrade from and to, i.e. went from an Nvidia to AMD/ATI card?


        Probably PSU related. Why on earth did you get a GTX570 btw?


          Psu is an antec 650w, card Evga gtx 570 SC.....coming up from an ATI 5770. Had a breakthrough, had a legacy of terrible wiring in my case, cabled stretching and being forced etc, ripped the lot out and started from scratch, seems to have done the trick maybe something wasnt connected right. Managed to get in an hour of tests and gaming before bed, so far so good though I'm not convinced that's the end of it, that doubt will always remain 0_o.

          Why 570? Because its the fastest card for how much I thought was reasonable to spend.
          Last edited by Baseley09; 29-02-2012, 00:31.


            Originally posted by Baseley09 View Post
            Psu is an antec 650w, card Evga gtx 570 SC.....coming up from an ATI 5770. Had a breakthrough, had a legacy of terrible wiring in my case, cabled stretching and being forced etc, ripped the lot out and started from scratch, seems to have done the trick maybe something wasnt connected right. Managed to get in an hour of tests and gaming before bed, so far so good though I'm not convinced that's the end of it, that doubt will always remain 0_o.

            Why 570? Because its the fastest card for how much I thought was reasonable to spend.
            I did wonder if you're had previous drivers that might be causing issues (if not as likely culprit as PSU/Overheating/faulty card).

            I'm sure you know this but you can stress your card under Heaven Unigine DX11 benchmark, 3D Mark as well as a few hours gaming.


              Thanks for the tip, I had a go with Fumark(sp?), to have a gander at what was going on. Admittedly my driver wiping wasn't intense, I struggled to find guru3d driver sweeper so did a bog standard removal of my ATI drivers, hopefully will get a chance tomorrow to have a good bash.

