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Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon

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    Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon

    This is still out on November 14 as far as I know. I'm a little bit worried about a delay though, as there doesn't seem to be much of a build-up.

    I loved the first two games in the series and can't wait for this.

    Anyone else getting it?

    I'm really interested in this game. Asesthetically it is stunning... but I shall wait a month or so after release just to hear impressions and stuff before I rush out and get it... although... irrespective of what other people say, I can see myself adding this to my collection.

    I just hope it adheres to the old mechanics enough to make it as solid as the previous games, whilst adopting new advancements to make it refreshing (such as it no longer being a strict Point 'n' Click - I believe).

    We'll see!


      The December issue of PC Gamer gave it 87%.

      I've pre-ordered my copy and I'm looking forward to this immensely.


        <big broken sword fan>

        I'm looking forward to it, they have got the same voice actor for George back thank god. He is the guy in mission impossible 1 who had to run to the bathroom when that women put something in his drink, bet you didn't know that!


          I'll be nabbing it on the XBox, my P.C isn't capable of much these days and I suspect the difference will be neglegable.

          The new 'action' bits might feel more at home on a console too, who knows?


            I can't wait for this, though I have to get the Xbox version as my PC isn't up to...anything.

            I'm new to the series, Gari introduced it to me on the GBA. Never played part 2...


              Getting this on PC. Pretty confident my PC can handle it.

              Really looking forward to this. Big fan of the previous two games.

              Will be interesting to see how the change from 2d to 3d works. I've read a lot of comments from die hard "point & clickers" that the BS series is being turned into a 3d action/adventure game, but Revolution themselves have always stated that it will be a traditional adventure game in 3d.

              Hoping there is more adventure than action.

              Btw, just in case anyone doesn't know, the official website is at:

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