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Is the latest X360's WiFi always on? Can it be disabled?

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    Is the latest X360's WiFi always on? Can it be disabled?

    Did a search, found nothing pertaining to this.

    Don't own a 360, but I recall th earlier model required some kind of dongleantenna to enable WiFi.

    Tempted to buy the latest model, which boasts some kind of high-speed WiFi connection.

    Is this always on?

    The PS3 and PSP can have its wireless communications manually disabled, either by physical switch or OS based switch. The DS only activates it when needed, otherwise it's off (signified by lack of light).

    Does the latest model of 360 always pump out a WiFi signal? Can you manually disable it? Or does it only do so when trying to connect to XBL? Basically before buying one, I need to know that it will function as a single, isolated and wired unit, which doesn't attempt to communicate wirelessly. (I intend to trade in the wireless controller for a wired one - I hate wireless pads)

    So, how does the WiFi function on the latest 360? I presume I can also just stick an ethernet cable in the back for connection to a router, should I feel the need to put it online?

    Just Wear your tin foil hat. That'll stop the men stealing your thoughts via wifi, it doesn't work for Chem trails though.

    When an Ethernet cable is connected, wifi becomes disabled.

    I don't think the 360 searches for wireless unless you ask it to either, so wireless activity will be minimum.


      Please be serious. I don't want this connecting or trying to connect to anything.

      Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
      When an Ethernet cable is connected, wifi becomes disabled.
      Presumably only if the ethernet cable is connected to a working router, which would then mean it's online.

      I'm assuming you have a 360 s model? Is there an option in the menu to switch WiFi off?

      I'm wondering if I shouldn't just buy an old bulky model.


        Why so serious?

        There is no option to completely disable wifi but from all I can see/have ever experienced with the 360 is that it only scans for networks when you go to the network options, it won't try and connect to any random networks and you have to physically choose any network you want to connect to.

        You could connect it to a router to disable the wireless but deny it any option to go online by setting it up with a duff manual IP.
        The wirless options all vanish and it will even disconnect you from wireless when you plug an ethernet lead in, but that's not to say that the hardware isn't still functioning.

        Worth noting that like the PS3/Wii the controller wireless is always on, even when the machine is on standby it they are listening for a wireless controller signal to turn the machine on.


          Cheers for the detailed response. Interesting! Especially the fact it auto disconnects wifi when sticking a cable in.


            if you weren't connecting it to a router at all, you may get away with plugging in an Ethernet Loopback cable/adapter to fool it into thinking it is on a wired network. May need to specify a static IP address just to complete the illusion!


              Ethernet Loopback... Is that like a crossover cable for connecting computers directly to each other? I keep meaning to get one for my Xbox to PC. Had a quick look on eBay, but the array of such cables is staggering. Any chance you could post a link to a good one?

              This any good?
              Last edited by Sketcz; 30-03-2012, 17:56.


                well that's a good cross over to link an xbox to a pc

                An ethernet loopback is different, it's literally a network RJ45 plug, with short wires coming out of it and looping back into it, connecting certain pins up, the right ones to fool the device into thinking it's connected to something else, when in fact, it's connected just to itself.

                Easy to make if you google Ethernet Loopback, you'll get an idea of what it is. they are generally used for testing purposes, but when i read what EvilBoris put, it made me think of using a loopback if you didn't want to connect the 360 to anything else at all.

                You can buy one, or make one, look at some of the google image results and they will show you which wires to link up if you cut up a network cable.



                  Pete, you are a techno-mechanical genius. Genius.

                  It also sounds fairly easy - I shall definitely be looking into this. Thank you for the suggestion.

                  (I also bought the cross-over cable - I've been needing one for ages).


                    Just make sure you wire it up properly or else you'll awaken Skynet again like you did last time...

