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Transfering old videos to more modern formats

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    Transfering old videos to more modern formats

    Just wondered if anyone had any suggestions for the best way to do this?

    We've got a load of old footage from home videos that we'd like to transfer for safe keeping - I don't think the new format is really that important, but something that isn't going to degrade over time is what we're after (so MPEG, AVI or DVD etc).

    I remember looking into one of those cheap USB devices that you put your RCA cable into but never could get that to work. I see more modern solutions like this searchsource=2&searchfilters=ae212{646620,648062}% 2b&urlrefer=search

    but then the price seems a bit steep. Are there any other options out there I should be looking at?

    If you have it on VHS, perhaps you could run it through a DVD recorder (maybe someone you know has one?) and then bung the DVDs in your PC and rip them using Handbrake.


      A DVD recorder is the fastest way. If you use a PC device you need to get involved with codecs, encoding, audio sync issues, etc.


        I used this:

        The quality is not bad and you can transfer it to Memory card, I think in mp4 format.


          Wow, that looks even better. A hardware device to do the dirty work is the best "quick and easy" option.


            Having Internet issues at the moment so having to resort to posting on my phone, which means I can't check out much from that link. Will have a look later, but thanks for the suggestions all. That Sandisk price point certainly sounds a bit more appealing


              AverMedia sell a variety of capture boxes for around ?120. I use one for game screens and video - but they have other varieties. As long as you can pop Comp cables in you should be fine. The one I've got has a little remote so you can sit back and push record as and when you want to. Most handy!


                Photo shops will transfer different media to dvd etc, Im sure they could do vhs.

