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Quiet CPU cooler upgrade?

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    Quiet CPU cooler upgrade?

    I have this CPU (i5-750 Lynnefield):

    I have a quiet case with a quiet PSU and 2 massive slow fans front and back << none of these are audible unless you put your ear next to the vents.

    I currently have the stock intel cooler, with which it idles at 50?C. The stock cooler makes the most noise in the case. If I do some video conversion with handbrake, it ramps up to 79?C and is happy for 30 mins or so, and the fan is small, fast and loud. If I run prime95 in low RAM test mode, it goes up to 90? after a couple of mins before I get scared and stop it. <<< I want one of those. Sadly I think this will not be sufficient to cool my cpu?

    Is 50? standard for a Lynnefield?
    Ideally I'd like a cooler that does a better job of cooling but is also quieter.

    Any recommends?

    How about a freezer 13?
    Last edited by charlesr; 15-06-2012, 16:57.

    Aside from having to have a faulty one replaced the corsair h60 liquid cooler is cold and quiet. Costs about 50 notes though. My i5 doesn't go over 70c in prime and that's over clocked to 4.5ghz


      Coolermaster 212 Plus should do the job.

      My i3-2100T doesn't go above 43c under load, but that's more to do with it's 35w TDP.
      Last edited by speedlolita; 13-06-2012, 19:31.


        Originally posted by FSW View Post
        Aside from having to have a faulty one replaced the corsair h60 liquid cooler is cold and quiet. Costs about 50 notes though. My i5 doesn't go over 70c in prime and that's over clocked to 4.5ghz
        Which i5 have you got?


          Sandy bridge 2500k? That sounds right!


            Yup, i5 2500k.

            Which will run cooler than charlesr's i5 due to manufacturing process, I imagine.


              Yeah, I think mine needs extra cooling due to 42nm stuff.

              Can't find that coolermaster, but it looks the same as the newer coolermasters. Think I'll give that freezer 13 a shot though since it looks well similar and more heat pipes.

              Is there anything I need to know while getting the old cooler off? And removing old paste?


                Just to remove all paste, apply an amount of paste about the size of a small pea and let the cooler's retention mechanism squish it flat. If you apply it to the cooler yourself you'll risk air bubbles which impede heat transfer thus reducing the effectiveness of the cooler.

                The new cooler should come with paste, but I always opt for Arctic Silver 5. Got some on the CPU/GPU in my laptop too.

                I'm sure about that Coolermaster actually. Just make sure you get one for socket 1156, or 1366, whatever you have.

                Google says 1156.


                  Then watch the cpu temperature in bios when you've done it just to make sure you haven't fluffed anything up, if it sky-rockets when idle then there's something wrong, switch off then try again


                    QuietPC advised my to get a Freezer 7, due to the 13 being overkill for my needs and space on my mobo.

                    I've found some old ArctiClean and Arctic Silver 5.

                    Can Silver 5 "go off"?
                    Last edited by charlesr; 14-06-2012, 11:54.


                      Don't think so, as long as it's still a liquid (gloopy) it'll be fine.


                        I still use my arctic silver 5 tube bought in 2002.


                          Smart - that's why this forum rocks. People with 100% useful info. Thanks to everyone in the thread for chipping in.


                            So, what did you opt for?


                              Went for the freezer 7. Then hunted around the whole house for the arcticlean and silver 5. Eventually found at the back of a drawer in the spare bed.

                              I will report back.
                              Last edited by charlesr; 14-06-2012, 18:38.

