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PC death / no picture?

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    PC death / no picture?

    Hi guys, if you could spare a min I need to pick your brains.

    My old Athlon 5000 had become my htpc, it's old for sure, 2005 or so sans some other upgraded parts, it's been iffy for a while.

    It stopped producing a picture, nothing at all. I took the hard drive out, mounted it in another pc and sure enough it was corrupted in some way, it couldn't boot windows as the primary drive, but as a 2nd drive I salvaged the data.

    So sure enough I thought if I whack an older working drive in I could get things going, but alas still no picture. I tried a different gfx card incase that had blown, yet again no picture. My thinking is that it should at least let me into the bios/early boot screens regardless of the drive.

    Do you think the motherboard has had it?

    Possibly. Check for bulging caps and other stuff. If it has onboard video try that too. It will only need a PSU, mobo and CPU to boot~

    Remove it from the case too to eliminate grounding issues.


      No onboard video unfortunately, I think it's kaput, looks like I'll need to get a cheap or 2nd handle bundle!


        No POST beeps or anything?


          No no beeps at all! Just fans starting!


            From my own experience it'll be a dead board or CPU then.

