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PC problems.. help!

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    PC problems.. help!

    Hi there..

    Built a whole new PC but have a few problems..

    After a little bit online, whenever I try to click on a link, nothing happens. When I try to copy and paste, it doesnt recognise the copy.

    Also, when trying to disconnect, double clicking the connection button doesnt do anything..

    Hotmail inbox page is giving errors when I try to access my emails..

    Just general mayhem really. Have just installed XP Pro, and havent managed to get any service packs yet...

    Hardware or software problem? Anyone help me out in the slightest?

    Sounds like you're suffering symptoms of the W32.Blaster.worm virus.

    Get the fix here:-

    If you're not using a virus checker I recommend getting the free(and great) AVG antivirus from


      Hi there!

      Ive found out that i need the Service Pack 1 from MS...

      Ive fixed the worm problem, but now the computer just restarts itself every so often, and on reboot displays the message "this computer has recovered from a serious error".

      Only problem is, when I try to download the service packs.. I get restarted


        Originally posted by ThoseOfTheUnlight
        Hi there!

        Ive found out that i need the Service Pack 1 from MS...

        Ive fixed the worm problem, but now the computer just restarts itself every so often, and on reboot displays the message "this computer has recovered from a serious error".

        Only problem is, when I try to download the service packs.. I get restarted
        Start up the PC, connect to the internet and press Ctrl+Alt+Del and go to processes-if you see a process called msblast.exe or similar, right-click it and end it. Then search for the fix, I don't have the link anymore

        I assume it gives you a countdown before restarting?



          There's an option somewhere in XP that lets you alter the way in which Windows deals with a serious error... by default it will restart the PC but you can turn this feature off. You'll at least be able to carry on and install the service pack.

          Can't remember exactly where the option is as I'm on W2K at work.


            Right click on My Computer>Properties>Advanced Tab>Start up and Recovery Settings button>Switch off auto restart

            Also anyone else who is considered reinstalling Windows from scratch! Make sure you download the Blaster32.worm patch before you fresh install because as soon as you go on the net to download the patch you will get the virus basically. So make sure you install the patch before you go on the net for the first time. My parents had a PC out the box for about 1 hour and had that virus.

