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SCART to Component

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    SCART to Component

    The sound is busted on my CRT and I'm looking for a replacement. The trouble is, SCART isn't used by anyone in Australia, so most tellys don't have ports. Ideally I'll grab a trinitron, but they've only got component/composite.

    So, I'm wondering if there are any reasonable options if I'm looking to convert from scart to component. At the moment I use scart for the 64, cube and SNES. Cube is fine as I can get a component cable for that but what about the 64 and SNES? Are scart to component conversions any good? Am I better to just go back to *shudder* composite?

    I should imagine a jrok with some custom cabling would do the job.

    Pricey though, probably not the best option.

    Otherwise, I'm not sure.


      Keep an eye out on AV Forums as sometimes they have a converter from a company called JS Tech turn up for cheap...

      There was one in May that was ?30 which is a pretty good price but I have seen them even cheaper.

      By all accounts they do a pretty good job & I had been considering one for use with my Saturn but never got round to buying one.


      EDIT - They even do Scart to VGA -
      Last edited by Soundwave; 17-09-2012, 13:07.


        I've got a good one, but I need someone awesome to mod it for sound output via phono. Volunteers?


          I've got a JS Tech one, I used it on a Panasonic plasma for SNES and Saturn. It's in a drawer somewhere if you are interested. I also have a CYP one too, but you need an AV cable to breakout the audio on that one.


            So are these converters up to scratch? Is there any loss of quality or anything?

