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    I know several forum members regularly head off to New York and was wondering if they have any prblems bringing games through customs. I'm off to New York and planning on coming back with a suitcase of DVDs games and cloths, will I be ok?

    Originally posted by Strider
    I know several forum members regularly head off to New York and was wondering if they have any prblems bringing games through customs. I'm off to New York and planning on coming back with a suitcase of DVDs games and cloths, will I be ok?
    For clothing remove the labels and maybe crease them up a bit. dont know how you'd explain DVD's and games though.

    Customs probably wont stop you anyway unless you really take the piss


      With the games and DVD's take off the shrinkwrapping and if customs do a check on you just claim that you took them over with you.


        I brought back loads of stuff back from america. Being the respectable citizon that I am I went to customs & imports to say that I needed to pay the import costs. Basically they told me to bugger off cos they only are looking for people who want to resell things and they couldn't be bothered with whatever I had.


          You almost certainly won't be caught anyway. Don't worry about it.


            Yeah exactly. If you have abosutely loads of stuff then maybe open everything so it looks used but other than that just pack your bags and pick them up at the airport and walk out.


              They do a weight check on your baggage (how much it weighs on your way out and on the way back). If it is wildly different (xbox?) they will want to see inside. You should not get stung though.


                take the games/dvds out of the cases, put them in one of those 48cd holder things and put that i your suitcase and ship the cases over parcelled up.... i had something like 2kg of sweets shipped over from Cali and it cost $9...


                  Cheers for the advice guys, I picked up 16 GBA titles Karaoke Revolution, GTA Xbox, Prince Of Persia xbox and Mario Party 5 and an e-card reader, also got a **** load of DVDs and didnt get caught

                  I just need time to play them now


                    Originally posted by charlesr
                    They do a weight check on your baggage (how much it weighs on your way out and on the way back). If it is wildly different (xbox?) they will want to see inside. You should not get stung though.
                    Really? The time before last that I came back from San Francisco, I had bought an entire extra suitcase just to hold my new laserdiscs, but no-one batted an eyelid...


                      Sorry to resurrect this ageing thread, but I'm heading over to NYC in a couple of weeks and was planning on getting a load of clothes/trainers and some other stuff.

                      Was gonna lose the bags/boxes and crease everything up but what happens if they stop me and check?
                      how much will I have to pay for say a holdall full of stuff?

