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I'm being bottlenecked and I don't know what by. Help!

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    I'm being bottlenecked and I don't know what by. Help!

    So I'm testing my current rig out and I have some big problems.

    I'm currently running an AMD Phenom II X4 850, and a Geforce GTX 660ti. I have Crysis 2 set to 1366x768 resolution, with all the graphics details on their absolute lowest.

    When I look at the floor and stand perfectly still, framerate jumps from 50fps to 88fps with almost no reason behind it.

    CPU load is under 50% and GPU load is at about 20%.

    What would be causing this bottleneck? There's no HDD access going on and nothing else running in the background.

    Are all your drivers up to date?

    I've played Crysis 2 on my laptop which is much lower spec GPU-wise but I think it auto-selected quite high detail levels (same res), don't know what the framerate was though.


      You've not got any temperature controlling software/bios options shenanigans going on have you?

      Power saving options?


        how much memory do you have ?
        Last edited by eastyy; 30-09-2012, 16:01.


          Sorry about the lack of responses here, and thanks to the guys who responded.

          It turns out it WAS cpu bottlenecking. I've replaced my motherboard, ram and processor, effectively building myself a brand new rig, and everything's flying like **** off a shovel right now, so I guess that solves that issue.


            what rig do you have now ?

