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Root / config file for iTunes

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    Root / config file for iTunes

    My PC is dragging a bit, im going to do a reinstall but would like to keep how my music is named/filed in itunes. I'd rather not use the bugger but iPad insists.

    Is there a root or config file that I can copy over that will recall the naming of my music in itunes as some of them in their folders are blank or organised wrong and id like to know what they are called etc without doing it the hard way.

    any ideas?


    You want to go to preferences and then advanced.

    You want to make sure you have the itunes folder set correctly, or know where it is.

    Then tick...

    Keep itunes Media Folder Organised.


    Copy files to itunes folder.......

    The next Step is go to File ... Library
    And choose Organise Library
    The Consolidate Library

    You can also choose to Reorganise itunes media folders as well.

    Once you have down all this you can then export your playlists and the library.

    You can then copy the whole itunes folder to an external drive and simply drag it back again when you reinstall.

    Everything will be there, playlists, artwork etc. etc.

