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Classic Xbox scanlines

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    Classic Xbox scanlines

    Hey doodz

    I've got my classic Xbox pumping out 720p via an official MS master HD cable thingy onto my panny plasma 37". Its a glorified Component cable. I've been running the multi format emulator, Coinops, on it for some time now. It plays back almost any game from Pong to Xbox1 games

    Whats the best way (or device) to get me scanlines back? I'm guessing I need to change res and also get a scaler into the mix? Dont have a lot of money but would like my roms to provide a sharper, more accurate feedback. There is a pixel perfect mode in the emulator too but still doesnt look right on a HD screen. Some of the CRT pRon pics in this forum have got my ol skool lust running wild
    Last edited by bash; 26-11-2012, 20:39.

    Buy a CRT.


      Not an option man, haven't got the space in my bedroom.


        use an XRGB? It'd look better then the HD cable your using now...


          The cheapest solution would ba a the original X Box able to output to VGA? I can't remember.


            vga only with a hack and modified bios iirc


              Nah, I'm pretty sure I'd need a special VGA cable and maybe a custom bios? Was really hoping I could stick to my component cable to get scanlines outta of it

              Is there nothing else that will accept component instead of VGA?


                Vdigi did a component to VGA adaptor. I still have one somewhere.
                Are there any options to add in scanlines in the emus. I know this is possible in Mame for example.


                  I think there was supposed to be in Coinops 5, I'm still FTP'ing the 75gig behemouth to my xbox hdd as we speak!

