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PC Microphone Suggestions?

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    PC Microphone Suggestions?

    Okay so this has probably been done a million times but I'm lazy so you're all gonna have to help me out.

    I usually only play online games on consoles but I recently built a pretty powerful PC for work and decided to get into PC gaming again. I need a microphone though so bought this cheapo Giotech EX-01 as it's supposed to work with the PC just as it would on the PS3 for which it's advertised.

    It doesn't work though. It connects and the PC see's it but when I switch sound to be output to the headset and voice to be picked up by it nothing works.

    If anyone has this one specifically and could help that would be great, otherwise I kinda need help on buying another one. I think wireless would be best as I don't sit at a PC desk but lying back on my bed playing on my TV. And I don't want headphones with mic incorporated as I have good headphones and sound system already so that would be a waste.

    Don't really fancy spending alot of money so any ideas people? Cheers.