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Which X-Box squad shooter?

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    Which X-Box squad shooter?

    Not usually my cup of cha but I've been re-visiting my old Xbox mag cover discs and have been spending some time on Ghost Recon and GRIT demos and have enjoyed them immensely!
    Makes a change shooting people rather than squshy aliens.

    I have no broadband (hence no live) so I'm only interested in good single player or split screen co-op play, so which of the following is worth picking up today?

    Ghost Recon
    Conflict Desert Storm (1/2?)
    GR Island Thunder
    Freedom Fighters
    Any others?

    I have Rainbow Six 3 coming as a Chrimbo pressie so that's already taken care of!

    Rainbow Six 3.



      GR:IT... that's a must really. RS3 plays more like an FPS that a squad based shooter. At least GR:IT is really slow and tactical.

      edit: GR:IT has split screen co-op too!


        I second GR:IT...

        Rainbow Six 3 just leaves me cold... it's almost like RTCW and CounterStrike's bastard child and I just find it nowhere near as good as either.

        Having said that RS3 seems incredibly popular so thousands will disagree with me.

        I guess like Marklar I appreciate the slow pace and strategy and satifaction of GR:IT and GR, it's a welcome change from when I would call more "arcadey" FPS if such a thing existed.

        My only problem with GR:IT is that it can be prone to lag but that is, of course, connection dependant.

