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3DS Promotions - Hunt Together and So Many Games!

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    3DS Promotions - Hunt Together and So Many Games!

    I've purchased 2/3 games for the So Many Games! promotion and am interested in another to get a digital copy of Animal Crossing (figure that will be the most useful to have always on 3DS). One of the games I bought was Monster Hunter 3. Anyone know if you can make use of both promotions to get a free copy of Animal Crossing and a bonus copy of Monster Hunter 3 via the Hunt Together BOGOF promo?

    Would like the extra copy of Monster Hunter to gift, but otherwise I'll settle for Animal Crossing.

    You can't mix promotions.
    Kept you waiting, huh?


      False. Despite what it says about not mixing promotions, I registered three games with Monster Hunter as one of them and have got the Monster Hunter code, and a Animal Crossing code on the way. So 4 games for the price of 3, plus a free Monster Hunter to gift


        Those are different promotions. The few mh code is a separate deal.

