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Using a monitor but then switching to tv to play games

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    Using a monitor but then switching to tv to play games

    Ive got a 570 gfx card and i fancy trying out the pc on my tv but i want to keep the desktop on my monitor and play games on the TV.

    I've got both cables plugged in and got my desktop on here but on the tv i just have the windows 7 logo. I can switch via the screen res tab on the desktop right click but that seems a pain.

    Any way for quick switching (via steam for example)?

    Ive got it working sort of via duplicating display but my monitor runs at 1200 instead of 1080. Will i have to run both at the same res?

    <edit> ok got it auto switching via big picture mode but now i've got no sound on the tv. Sound works fine when i test the hdmi lead via windows but nothing when in big picture mode.
    Last edited by Guest; 09-08-2013, 19:23.


      Running two screen at different resolutions for gaming will greatly impact on performance as it has to render the graphics twice, duplicating the same resolution has no such negatives.

      Right click on the speaker icon on the task bar, select playback devices and manually enable the tv and disable the screen or speakers.


        I did get the sound sorted like you said just wish it could do it auto.
        As to the resolution, i can't see why it doesnt just shut off the desktop and just render the tv. Saying that thought F1 2012 did alright till i got to a corner then it stalled for half a second then sped up till it caught up.

        So, easy remedy would be to get a 1080 monitor to match the tv.


          If the desktop monitor is off I would have thought it would be fine. Bet yes like you say if you use a 1080p monitor it will negate this issue, I use a similar set up so one can concentrate on the monitor screen while friends see the action on the TV.

