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Tool to upload only the differences between two files

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    Tool to upload only the differences between two files

    Let's say I'm authoring a 50gb Blu-ray Disc and I upload the entire image for burning in a remote location.

    The client downloads, burns and views the test disc, then comes back with subtitle revisions (which are then baked into the disc image) which only total about 20mb out of the 50gb. Most of the file is unchanged, only the subtitles.

    Is there a way I can create a small patch file which will reference the original 50gb upload file, which can be applied to the original upload on the other end to create a new changed image?

    SIlly question but that's a lot of work just to check some subtitles. If they have the video you can just sent them an .srt file to play together with it and then get back to you with changes.

    Or do you not want them to be able to edit the subtitles themselves? (which they could do with the .srt)


      Well, the subtitles are an example. Other things could be video or audio fixes on the feature or bonus features - a 2 frame difference in a ~32gb file.

      SIlly question but that's a lot of work just to check some subtitles. If they have the video you can just sent them an .srt file to play together with it and then get back to you with changes.

      Or do you not want them to be able to edit the subtitles themselves? (which they could do with the .srt)
      The point is that they have to do QC on the Blu-ray Disc itself, so they can precisely check the exact AV content that eventually gets mass-produced and ends up on shelves, on a set top player. So, an SRT file wouldn't cut it.
      Last edited by Lyris; 06-09-2013, 02:34.


        Take a look at bsdiff and bspatch. Don't know how well they'd work on a 32gig file mind. Never used them on anything more than half a gig.


          Programs based on Rsync should do the work as well. As FSW said though, never tested it on very large files.


            rsync is the standard so anything that is based on that should do.


              Hi all,

              For anyone visiting from Google, I found a solution.

              Most programs, such as the Windows PatchOnClick, do not work with big files because they are 32-bit. Apparently they can only handle files of up to about 4gb in size. 64 bit utilities apparently allow for up to 8tb.

              Using the Windows x64 version of XDELTA I was able to do what I wanted with:

              xd64 -e -s version1.iso version2.iso delta.x

              And on the other end:

              xd64 -d -s version1.iso delta.x version2Recombined.iso

              Happy days! This is going to make me much more geographically mobile


                I use KDIFF3 for files and folders, maybe see if that can do what you want. Its invalueable for me when comparing text and config files


                  xdelta sounds brilliant. I can think of a whole bunch of things it would save time for.

