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360 Flicker Fest

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    360 Flicker Fest

    I've been on my 360 today, and completely out of the blue the screen has started to flicker. The image isn't scrolling, it's simply flickering. I'm using a standard vga cable attached to a Hanns-G monitor for visual and a mini hifi system for audio. It's worked fine for years.

    I was on GTA V, went off to grab a cuppa, and came back to find it all to pot. I've tried different games to the same result. It's very bad on the startup and dash. The simplest manoeuvre between tabs results in big time flickering.

    Am I to presume that a new vga lead is the obvious solution? If so, where the hell do you buy them? There's only ****ty supermarkets round here - do they stock them, or is it too fundamental a hardware part for them to bother?

    I have a VGA lead for sale, but first try it through HDMI or component. If it's an old model, chances are it's a hardware failure.

    Time to switch to Sony?


      Sounds like it could be a GPU or video RAM problem. Can you try it on another screen?


        It's an elite model, bought 2009 maybe? I switched the machine off at about 6pm with it flickering like mad - once again, the image was fixed and not jerking, but it was like it was obscured by Venetian blinds opening and closing randomly over the top of it.

        I've returned from my girlfriend's mother's house with a different monitor. Not widescreen but needs must. Before plugging it in I switched on the old monitor and booted up the console. After a flicker, the screen steadied and stayed fine. Hmm. So I decided to plug in the spare monitor instead. The image is fine. I played gta v for v mins and it was fine.

        So now both monitors appear to be ok????? The thing I'm worried about, is that the flickering only started after about an hour and a half of play. I'm wondering if its a hardware issue whereby the heat generated causes the skanking. I think I'll play tomorrow morning for a few hours and see what happens. If the flickering starts, I know it's the lead or 360. If its fine, then I know 'twas the monitor.

        I'm praying for anything but a console skanking.


          Probably will be a skanking to be honest. Sounds like the same issue I had with my US 360 and that went tits up a couple of days after the issues started.

          Probably doesn't help playing a more graphically intense title either.

