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Portable speakers.

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    Portable speakers.

    Can anyone recommend some cheap but fair quality portable speakers for use with a mobile or Laptop? Nothing amazing and musy be headphone jack powered. For my wife to stop hear listening to music via mobile or laptop speakers as that kills my brain.

    These, or rather this. Missus uses one on her iPhone and it's great. Has a rechargeable battery in it (charged by USB and lasts ages), read some reviews. Don't get a copy, they're just not worth saving a few quid on. Been there tried that.

    One thing to note though is that the headphone lead is about 4 inches long (it's stored in the speaker when not used).

    And it comes in about ten different colours if that floats her boat. Can be chained to more than one but that's a touch OTT.
    Last edited by VR46; 10-12-2013, 18:52.


      Logitech Mobile Boombox

      Coincidentally I have a brand new black one to sell if you are interested!


        Cheers both. Ordered the top one. Ideal size.


          Ok got that speaker and it's pretty damn good! Decent sound quality for sure, sounded much better than I expected. Cheers!


            Excellent, impressive little things aren't they.


              Yeah they are. A really good level of bass and if you close it it gives you a more treble based sound. Hopefully the wife will like, the tiny size means it's not too intrusive.

