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Japanese Laptops and english

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    Japanese Laptops and english


    I was wondering if anyone knew if switching the Windows XP default language setting on a Japanese laptop literally converted all text and auto software installation to English or not. (I mean will the computer still detect that it's Japanese and thus auto choose websites, Japanese software installations and so forth)

    I'm planning to get one sometime soon but the possible language barrier (I can use PCs and can read some Japanese but even trying to burn a CD in an internet cafe here can sometimes be tricky) is slightly offputting.


    Kitakyushu is quite cool incidentally, been here two months now and despite the internet access being a little limited and life being costly it`s quite cool. Can`t get over quite why my local games shop has the PS2 section right next to the big bust porn dvd section though...

    (I mean will the computer still detect that it's Japanese and thus auto choose websites, Japanese software installations and so forth)
    That's the funniest thing I've read in ages

    PCs aren't "region" specific, just the language the OS may be using (and even then, it isn't really "Japanese", just able to display Japanese characters).


      I have been using JP Windows for 2 years now and pretty much you cannot change the OS into English for example, JP Win XP will not display English at a flick of a button or two. Of course you can install English programmes onto the system and they will show up in English.

      I reckon you should install Eng XP or whatever into the Japanese bought machine if you need English that bad.


        All the language packs will do is allow you to use characters (and write/read text) for that language. So on this UK machine if have the Japanese language pack installed, it just means that if someone sends me an email/word document etc in Japanese then i can see the Japanese characters, and reply using them. Same for Russian, Chinese or whatever.

        It wont turn the operating system into Japanese (or JPN to UK). The OS will remain in whatever the language of the installation disc was.

        Some Japanese programs installed on a UK PC may show up with Japanese characters if you have the JPN language pack installed, but not all do.


          Get an Apple iBook or Powerbook if you want proper language settings and behaviour. Very high quality machines.

