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Wireless networking/broadband/IRC issues :( Please help!

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    Wireless networking/broadband/IRC issues :( Please help!

    Righty, I got broadband today (Yay! ) with a wireless network. I know lots of people go on about how poor they are, but in my case it was either wireless network with broadband or 56k. I know which I'd prefer.

    But at the moment I have a few problems. I've tried searching on Yahoo and Google, but because I'm not exactly a technical expert I'm baffled when they start talking about DNS and stuff.

    At the moment, I have BT's Voyager wireless router sitting in my kitchen, with my PC connecting to it via a wireless USB adapter thing. It works fine most of the time, but there are a few problems on occasion.

    Problem number 1:

    Whenever I try to connect to IRC, it starts out with the usual: *** Looking up your hostname *** Checking Ident *** Found your hostname

    And then it sits there for about two or three minutes doing absolutely nothing. Then it comes up with: *** No ident response

    And then continues to log on as if nothing has ever happened, and IRC works just fine from there. I have no idea why it does this, and it's kinda annoying having to wait so damn long to log on. I'm sure there's a simple solution in here, so if somebody would be kind enough to spell it out for me I'd be most grateful.

    Problem number 2:

    Sometimes while I'm surfing or gaming, the connection momentarily stops. I know that this is something to do with the fact that I'm using a wireless network, but a friend told me that I can modify a file or something to stop it doing this. I know most of the time that people just spout bull****, but if it is true it would make things more pleasant. It's annoying when gaming and the connection stutters for a second or two .

    And that's it, actually. Broadband is brilliant, I've been getting connection speeds of about 70kb/s which is so much better than 56-gay. Hehe, yay .

    Anyway, if there's a kind soul here who would be willing to help me with this then I would be most grateful.