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Same-room co-op RPGs (Tales, Sonata...)

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    Same-room co-op RPGs (Tales, Sonata...)

    Here's a question.

    I was surprised to find out recently that some of the Tales... games for PS3, and Eternal Sonata (also PS3) support more than one player gameplay on a single screen.

    How do these work, and which games support it? I assume the other players just take part in battles?

    If this feature works well, I may get a couple of these games. My lass has never played a JRPG and she's been interested in trying one; if we can play through one in the manner that we play 2-player Streets of Rage (i.e. not splitscreen or requiring network play) then we might give some of them a try.


    I didn't know that. I'm interested to hear more.


      Yeah, I've played Tales with a friend a few times. Player 1 controls the main character as normal outside of battle, in battle the second player can pick what character they want to play and fight alongside player one.

      Works quite well, especially when the second player plays as a spell caster/healer- miles better than the AI.


        Originally posted by MrKirov View Post
        Yeah, I've played Tales with a friend a few times. Player 1 controls the main character as normal outside of battle, in battle the second player can pick what character they want to play and fight alongside player one.

        Works quite well, especially when the second player plays as a spell caster/healer- miles better than the AI.
        Interesting. Which PS3 Tales games are the better ones? (and have this feature included)

        And are they better than the 3DS one? As I couldn't really get into that.


          I think the 3DS one is considered one of the better ones but like you I couldn't get into it and well I've never gotten into a single Tales games but I loved Eternal Sonata. Also the collection that came out today, Symphonia, is highly regarded and the brief moments I had with that were definitely some of the better times I've had with the series.


            Originally posted by shaffy_oppa View Post
            I think the 3DS one is considered one of the better ones but like you I couldn't get into it and well I've never gotten into a single Tales games but I loved Eternal Sonata. Also the collection that came out today, Symphonia, is highly regarded and the brief moments I had with that were definitely some of the better times I've had with the series.
            I should say, my problem with the 3DS one hinged heavily on not being able to save anywhere I wanted, coupled with the 3DS's relatively poor standby time.

            I don't do handheld games where I can't save anywhere, for genres like RPGs where I'm concerned about progress. It was different for example with the Castlevania games on DS, because the standby time of the DS was something daft like a week.


              Tales of Hearts is still my favourite.

              All the PS3 Tales of are multiplayer battlers.


                Eternal Sonata is the same from what I recall, player 2 just gets to control one character in the battles


                  I'd say go with Symphonia or Xillia. Ah yeah should point out that as Eternal Sonata is turn based the multiplayer isn't as fun as the tales games but if that doesn't bother you I'd say play FFIX.


                    Originally posted by shaffy_oppa View Post
                    I'd say go with Symphonia or Xillia. Ah yeah should point out that as Eternal Sonata is turn based the multiplayer isn't as fun as the tales games but if that doesn't bother you I'd say play FFIX.
                    Cool, going to see if I can snap Xillia up.

