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Hard disks: Seagate ST4000D or WD Green?

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    Hard disks: Seagate ST4000D or WD Green?

    As above.
    My 3TB drive has reported some bad sectors and seems to be headed out so thought I'd pick up a 4TB.
    Just wondered if there was a lot of difference between the brands? I know WD is thought of highly, buy my ailing 3TB is a WD green so not sure if that's a sign of WD or just my own bad luck. So wondered what was the general consensus.
    3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129

    Green are generally slightly lower performance drives designed for storage and lower power consumption.

    Have a 2TB Seagate Green in my PC with over 2 years of uptime and it's just fine.


      Check the warranty times. I think Seagate are 1year only on certain drives.


        Go for the cheaper hard drive and use what you've saved for a backup plan.

        Other than that, I've used a WD Green on a couple of computer without too much problem. If you're really paranoid about drive quality, you can go with RE4 disks (from Western Digital), as they are hi-performance, long-lasting drives built for enterpise. They are noisy, draw more power than normal drives, and might not like cramped and unventilated spaces, though.
        Also, don't feed them after midnight.


          I'd buy Samsung Spinpoint.


            Cheers lads. Have a 1tb spinpoint and it's great, it's just the SG and the WD are around the same price right now.
            3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129

