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Temp files, delete?

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    Temp files, delete?

    Windows Disk Cleanup tells me I have 250GB of temp files. Do I hit delete?



      Imagine if you went back in time to when people were using 100MB Winchester disks and said "I've got 250GB of files that are probably junk lying around on my machine."


        I just ran mine and it said 1.1GB of temp files which is more what I expected. What ARE they?


          From what I can gather, Adobe is the main culprit. An insane amount of Photoshop, Premiere and After Effects temp files. 46GB of AE files alone. Seems Adobe has been saving every preview ever made and never purging a thing. And then a bunch of Microsoft temp files and misc stuff I don't even know.

          So reckon I'm safe to hit delete?


            Download CCleaner and use that instead.


              Have a look for binaries in there, installers etc etc. Itunes is crap for linking to the temp dir when you to want to uninstall it.

              Usually though if you you've got a recent restore point then I'd go ahead and blast it. CCleaner is a little easy to get carried away with though so go careful if you use it.

              250GB though..


                Well I downloaded CCleaner and used that and it cleared those temp files and other stuff (had to log in again here as it wiped cookies). Interestingly, even though it came to a similar total as Disk Cleaner, the result after blasting those files was not a 250GB gain. It was only around 75GB so it seems both programmes were wrong. Still, 75GB is nice to have back.


                  Maybe installing CCleaner leaves a 175GB temp footprint

