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Any recommendations for arcade sticks?

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    Anyway, If you liked the look of the Guilty Gear stick, I would suggest you hold out until the SNK vs. Capcom stick is released. Same make, but with a whole 10-button set. and it looks gorgeous to boot. Linky

    So, saying that, does anybody know what the Sammy sticks (Namely the GGXX stick) feel like? I'd love to hear an opinion on it in case the make isn't what I expect.

    I like my HORI SC2 stick (it's wonderful with the DC total control converter), but for GGXX it's a bit iffy - You can't select EX characters. That and i'm just picky and want the 4-in-a-row SNK button config.


      Put in an order with Lik-Sang last night for the PS2 SCII Hori stick with the Dreambox converter. EMS shipping cost was indecent but at least I'll have it in a couple of days. ^^

      Originally posted by Siri
      Anyway, If you liked the look of the Guilty Gear stick, I would suggest you hold out until the SNK vs. Capcom stick is released. Same make, but with a whole 10-button set. and it looks gorgeous to boot. Linky
      I prefered the look of the GGXX stick, to be honest. Something about the color scheme and design used, and I'll admit the aesthetics do matter to me. I mean, I can get a very good deal on the red VF4Evo stick, but I've held off so far purely because I think it looks a bit dodgy. The blue one looks better. Heh, I realize I probably sound like a gay man now.

      Picking the right stick has felt a bit like choosing between two girls at times; you wanna go for the one with personality but some of those airheads sure look tasty.

      I'll try out my SCII Hori stick on GGXX and VF4Evo on the PS2 and SC II on the XBOX when my package arrives. Who knows, maybe I'll end up picking up a second stick? You know, a sexy mistress on the side.


        Received my stuff from Lik-Sang today and the PS2 Hori SCII stick works a charm on the XBOX using the Dreambox converter.


          I am pleased to hear that. I will get one of those dreamkey once I buy a chipped XBOX

