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BT Home Hub Port Forwarding (Xbox 360 & PS3)

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    BT Home Hub Port Forwarding (Xbox 360 & PS3)

    I'm having problems hearing some people on voice chat on the PS3. I tried putting the PS3 IP address into the routers DMZ, but still no joy. After some digging, I've found that I need to forward port 3658 on my router. I have a BT Home Hub, but the problem is that this router only allows you to forward any given port for a single IP, so when I try to add all the necessary ports to forward for the PS3 there's a conflict because both Xbox 360 and PS3 need TCP 80 to be forwarded. So, my question is, are there any implications if I just assign the same IP address to both consoles and forward all the ports required by both consoles for that single IP address?

    Is the IP shifting or locked down? Because if it's truly in the DMZ, there is no point doing any port forwarding.


      Yeah, rather than the PS3's IP (if handled by the router's DHCP server and not fixed in the PS3 config) you should look at the MAC address and have that in the DMZ. Alternatively, you can assign the PS3's MAC an ID in the router and have that ID in the DMZ.


        You'll have to disable UPNP also if you are using a DMZ, as that will cause conflicts if the UPNP try to forward port 80 to the other machine


          What version of the HH is it. Some of the older ones e.g. HH3a had problems with port forwarding which I don't think was ever fixed.
          I have a 3b which works OK for 360 at least without a forwarding rule. If you think about it every PC that accesses the web wouldn't work if a port80 forwarding rule was required.
          Last edited by smouty; 13-11-2014, 10:09.


            My PS3 IP is static, and the console's mac address has always been in the DMZ (since I first set it up years ago), so I guess that forwarding any ports for it is a waste of time anyway. The game in question is Destiny. I'm beginning to wonder if the problem is with the game, what with it being so buggy at the moment. It's not just other people I sometimes can't hear, sometimes various sound effects can't be heard when the headset is plugged in. I've never played any other PS3 game that requires voice chat before, so I haven't come across this issue before. There are certain friends online who I never have problems hearing though, so I wonder if it could also be config issues with the people I sometimes can't hear.

