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old lap top HD.

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    old lap top HD.

    i had a lap top that has gave up the ghost. it had a 320gb hd in it that i want to reuse as a portable usb HD.

    i put it in the enclosure, plug it on to my new lap top, and its recognised, i have formatted it and it show as 295gb free space of 320gb.

    i fire on a few films and them them plug it in my WD, but the films are not there, there area a load of folders all of which are not shown when i plug it in to my laptop?

    any help/ideas?

    Perhaps the WD doesn't see NTFS?


      What filesystem have you formatted it to?
      Probably using NTFS if Windows or HPFS on Mac both of which are not well supported on Linux based system which I think the WD uses.
      Try FAT32 but you might need a program to get the full capacity on Windows.


        formatted it to NTFS, the WD supports fat, NTFS and fat32. all my other external hd's are NTFS and they work fine on it.

        it seems strange that when its connected to my laptop its shows empty (other than the movies), yet the WD shows folders and not the movies?,

        the HD was partitioned, with a back up, will that still be there even after a full reformatting of the drive?


          Yes, you will have only formatted whichever partition was active at the time. Try removing the partitions and merging the space first. Windows is a bit pap at doing this - you might need to use "diskpart" from an admin command line.


            I used a piece of software called easeus partition master, I think you can get a free version of it


              diskpart is pretty easy once you realise you need to select objects before doing commands.


                I think it's literally list disk then select disk x

                That's a numeral not a kiss


                  And select partition and delete them all and then create a new one full size


                    cheers guys will give it go.


                      In case it wasn't clear, diskpart is part of windows OS, but command line only - you don't have to install it to use it. Just type diskpart and then help.

