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New GFX card so I can play Dirt Rally??

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    New GFX card so I can play Dirt Rally??

    Making it the most expensive game ever (if I actually go ahead with this lunacy - could just wait for the Xbox version....)

    How about this?
    I want a silent card - how much better off would I be by spending the same money on a card with normal fans? Fan noise will bug the hell out of me - my current PC is super quiet until the CPU starts going for it and then I can hear the fan.

    edit: lol, it's already too complicated.

    Think you could use that on Ultra but may have to lower quite a few of the settings to High to maintain 60fps.

    Friend has a overclocked Radeon 7850 card which is just above that on the benchmark list and I know he stuck it on high quality setting but increased things like car, tree, object and track detail to Ultra and it never dropped below 65fps - seeing this the other day is what made me buy the game.

    Something like this is much higher up that benchmark list for ?120, but the fan noise may annoy if everything else is silent. Is a hell of a card for the money. New cards are due in the next couple of months I think.

    Browse our huge range of AMD graphics cards - including ones from the cutting-edge Radeon RX 7000 Series - at the best prices you'll find online. Flexible finance offers and next-day delivery.

    Do check your PSU is up to the job etc first before parting with any cash.
    Last edited by VR46; 21-05-2015, 19:59.


      750ti is a good shout if you don't want to make a major investment but want an entry into pc games. I saw your cpu is good in another thread so will be a decent combo. Just don't expect to max out battlefield at 60fps etc.


        I have this motherboard:

        My current card just powers up when you plug it into the mobo.
        Some cards I've read have reviews talking about needing a separate cable to the psu, not included in the box. Can I get a modern card that doesn't require a separate cable, or do they all need a cable now?
        Edit: just checked the PSU - it's a 550W with 2 spare 6port sockets marked PCI-E. Still wondering if some of them are self powered though.

        [MENTION=2001]VR46[/MENTION], you talked about your card having 3GB? Most of them seem to have 2GB. How do I decide?
        Last edited by charlesr; 29-07-2015, 16:44.


          Nothing wrong with that motherboard or PSU Charles. It's no problem if that card does need a 4 pin or 6 pin lead direct to the power unit. Lead should be supplied in the box, if not they are a couple of quid on ebay or Amazon I'm sure.
          The 750ti you linked to in the first post will be fine as long as you're not going above 1080p and 2GB is ample for 95% of games including Dirt Rally at this time.

          Wait and see if any of the PC experts chip in (no pun intended) with any suggestions but I think that card along with your current set up is ample.
          Last edited by VR46; 29-07-2015, 18:15. Reason: typo


            Thanks dude. I've decided not to go fanless. That will just mean I need to have faster case fans.

            Maybe this?


              I personally would go for this version Charles

              Stellar reviews, has a 15% faster clock speed out of the box, doesn't need a power lead (which is neither here nor there I know). EVGA cards are usually pretty quiet too.

              Chart here,

              Check out the difference between Asus, EVGA, Gigabyte and MSI's GTX 750 Ti Maxwell graphics cards. Which manufacturer has the better GTX 750 Ti?

              (comparing items 3 and 5 on the list).

              Would like someone else to chip in and agree before you drop ?100 though.


                Take a look at this video, not embedding it as want you to see the posters comment, shows the 750Ti on different default video settings on Dirt Rally, such a shame he didn't record it at 1080p and have a fps display running

                Want to directly support my work? I switch from "Ultra" to "High" at 02:36I switch from "High" to "Ultra Low" ...


                  Card looks great. Amazing how tech moves on. Cannot quite believe that card is powered just from the pcie slot. My 580 needs its own nuclear reactor to fire it up. Sounds perfect for your requirements Charles.


                    I was looking at that EVGA. A review on ebuyer said: "Fan is noisy and cannot be turned down to less then 40%. (even if the card is cold, it runs the fan at nearly the same speed it runs at when hot)." and then found a whole thread on it on the EVGA site. Whereas all the reviews on that gigabyte said it was really quiet - presume because 2 fans can run slower to get the same flow.
                    Last edited by charlesr; 29-07-2015, 22:13.


                      Ah maybe you're better off with the Gigabyte card then in your case Charles, my PC is in a cabinet so I never worry about fan noise etc.

                      Brad top of the range cards always demand high power levels, is the same even with new ones like the 970/980 today.


                        Ok, this looks like a good "in between" option and should be the quietest:
                        And if it's lies I can take it back to Novatech (it's just up the road).


                          Yes go for it MSI are a reputable brand and you should have no troubles. Buy most of my PC bits from Novatec, shame they shut their store near Reading a while back.


                            I'd be tempted to pay that little bit extra and go for one of the GTX960 variants such as this MSI one

                            I ran the GTX750ti for a while (and it is a decent card for the price) but upgraded it to the GTX970 quite quickly.


                              Sell the MGS5 code here probably to recoup some of the extra expense too.

                              EDIT: For that money though you could look at R9 380s with 4GB though...
                              Last edited by Brad; 30-07-2015, 08:43.

