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Anyone ordered online from Another World?

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    Yeah, you have to watch them. They class any game that has been on demo as new, no matter how badly it's been scratched. I used to buy stuff fdrom them a while back, and I checked the disc before I even left the store. If it was scratched, I just asked them for a new one. It pissed me off, because they had loads of copies sitting there still wrapped and sealed, and yet they would try to get rid of the tatty copies. They may be a bit better now though, I haven't bought anything from them in months.


      The man that runs the console games side of another world is a nob called Colin Diamond.

      This c*nt has a reputation of ripping people off, going bust (he's run at least three other companies) owing companies many thousands of pounds, not fulfilling orders, for blatent lying, for selling old stuff as new.

      Still don't take my word for it, feel free to ask Lee at Videogameimports what he thinks of Mr Colin Diamond. Won't be a pretty answer.

      In short don't buy from this man.


        I wouldn't talk about Colin D like that. Remember how "he" found out about it on the old forum?


          So **** the guys a tosser and whenever you place an order for something rare and pay for it,how come his shipment is always the only one to get stuck in customs for months on end.

          Or another excuse he once had for my Sim city 64dd order was,we found out the parcel was stolen by parcel force and this has been happening regularly to us.hhahahahaha,where's my zip colin,you ****in dick,you do not have it and have never had it in stock and are praying to get a used copy in.He ended up giving me a new sin and punishment,but the fiasco lasted months.Use lee at VGI or I have a mate in japan I could put you in touch with.

          Dimond Donkey Dick who bust Pc engine supplies,console concepts and fantasy world.Dimond donkey dick who is guilty of tax evation and not honoring several creditors.He is a ****ing plum.
          Dimond Donkey Dick period,I hope he does read this,to see how much he really is out of touch with the true NTSC gaming community.Where is tht rare batch of Super Faicom games that was coming in a 1997 shipment from Hong Kong Colin,errrrr still not here.hahaha probably held up in customs,clearence will be another month,or the customs man may have stolen it,it happpens alot to us at another world hahahahahaa

          DIMOND donkey Dick I think the guy i still tripping from his DJ days boys.


            LOL - I'd be rather chuffed to be called Donkey Dick! 8)

