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Modded XBOX Problems - any help appreciated!

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    Modded XBOX Problems - any help appreciated!

    Hi guys,

    I have a Xecutor 2 modded XBOX with an 80gig HDD installed. Everything has been working fine up until recently now it's really starting to give me grief which is really frustrating and annoying!

    All my problems seem to come from my games I've installed on my HDD (just for ease of use).

    Star Wars - Knight of the Old Repulic will load, but always crash when I save my game. It used to crash when I first installed it, but after deleted all the saves it works fine - now after some 20 hours of play it crashes all the time. I've found that if I use Flash FXP to get into my machine and copy out the saves everything seems to work again - but I have to do this every time I want to play the game. Obviously that's not really what I want to be doing!

    My latest game, Mission Impossible - Operation Surma would crash even when loaded of CD. It happened after starting a new game. Again a simple deletion of all the saves and it worked ok. Now once its installed on my HDD it won't load - well it does but when I load my save game it just sits there and doesnt complete the loading!

    My machine is a US one, so using Enigmah Video mode switcher I changed it to PAL (as both games are PAL) and still no joy! (Previously I'd just leave my machine set to NTSC as this caused no problems at all)

    I don't susupect it to be my HDD as Star Wars - KotOR had the same problems when it was the only game installed on my standard XBOX HDD

    If anyone out there could help me with any of this I'd be most happy!

    Cheers in advance


    UHmm.. I'm not sure this is your solution.. But i had some really strange problems with the Xbox clock, but i've only really been running Crimson Skies of the harddrive and it ended up crashing... One time the date was set to year 87XX something... So try messing with the clock if that doesn't do it just head on over to the forums at they will surely be able to help you out. (The clock as in the MS Dashboard)

    Good luck


      Thanks for the advice broder!

      I did exactly what you said and paid a trip to XBOX Scene. After reading a few posts in the forums, I narrowed things down and found out that it's a case of setting the date and/or turning of the in game resets in evo x.

      First I went to check the date and it was just like yours, set to 8087 or something. I changed that and MI worked first time, and Star Wars KotOR saved first time with no crashing!

      I usually unplug my machine as I use the stepdown for my other consoles, and so it loses the time and date settings all the time, looks like that's the thing that's been causing me problems!

      Cheers for the help



        Hmm so the date problem has to do with the xbox plugged opr unplugged, that's news for me.. it's always nice to know why your machine get's ****** up

        If you are using the latest Xecuter bios you will get an imbedded IGR and can therefore turn of all the settings in evox.. Because an xbox without igr is just... not as fun, having to get your ass out of the couch everytime you wanna change game or start an application is just wrong

        Well, im glad it got sorted.. Game on ke!

