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Stuck in Update Hell - Xbox 360 Preview Update Failed

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    Stuck in Update Hell - Xbox 360 Preview Update Failed

    So my Xbox 360 is stuck in an update loop and can't go online:

    The dashboard was prompted for an update on Thursday 6th August 2015 and failed with the error message:

    "Can't download the update. To test your connection, open System Settings and select Network Settings, Test Xbox Live Connection.

    Status Code: 442C - 0000 - 3080 - 0506 - 8007 - 2746" - although there was nothing wrong with the connection.

    I've tried clearing the disc cache, updating from USB and DVD-R as listed on - to which the Xbox 360 responds "Your console is up to date".

    Essentially I'm currently stuck with an Xbox 360 I can't use on the Xbox Live service as trying to do the online updated, that gets prompted for three times before getting to the offline dash, just sits at this screen until the fail notification above appears about 15-20 minutes later.

    If you've had this problem and know the fix please let me know, Xbox Support has, as usual, been little help.

    I've already tried the stuff here: - I'm sure if I could download the most recent Preview Program Firmware it would update as the version number would be newer that the one currently on the machine, which I suspect why the firmware download on the support pages doesn't work. Perhaps when the official dash firmware is out it will update via USB or Disc, but until then the machine is screwed unless someone can suggest a workaround.
    Last edited by MartyG; 07-08-2015, 10:25.

    Have you tried deleting the sytem update?

    Highlight the storage device that the update loads from in the storage options and press LB RB X LB RB X



      Found this extra bit for deleting the cache That I haven't seen before (around the sync button)

      Turn off your console. Press and hold the sync button (the small one you use to connect your wireless controllers). While holding press the power button to turn your console on. Continue to hold the sync button until the console is completely booted up.
      Go to System Settings and select Storage.
      On your controller, press the following button sequence:
      Press the left bumper.
      Press the right bumper.
      Press the X button.
      Press the left bumper.
      Press the right bumper.
      Press the X button.
      Restart your console and try update.

      Also so seen that you have to do it 3 times (sounds rubbish to me).

      if that doesn't work, lots of Xbox modders have the tools to clear the update. Think there's a guy in Bristol if you are UK based.


        Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
        Have you tried deleting the sytem update?

        Highlight the storage device that the update loads from in the storage options and press LB RB X LB RB X
        I hadn't - it does bring up the dialog to clear any system updates and when you try to do the install it gets a little bit further on the downloading screen (about half way) but it still fails to finish installing it. Basically it's screwed I think :./


          I tried the update on Wifi and it completed okay and I can sign in to Live again now - on wired and wifi, so no idea what that was all about. All the settings are pulled from the router via DHCP whether on wired or Wifi and ports and stats all look good on wired currently.

          Perhaps my wired Gigabit LAN + fibre is too fast for Xbox Live

          Thanks for the suggestions though folks I very nearly ended up buying a replacement box today because of this.


            Saw your vid this morning - thought you were done for. Glad it worked out ok!


              Yeah, so did I. Even Pedro whom I was talking to on the Dashboard Preview Online Chat Help couldn't offer me his protection.

