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VISA problems at play-asia

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    VISA problems at play-asia


    I already ordered a lot at play-asia, using my own visa credit card.
    Until last week... I tried to order something, and they said my credit card could not be verified.
    I contacted them, and they said it could be because my bank's server was down.
    I checked it (Fortis Belgium), and they were down indeed.
    I waited until the next day, fortis was back up, my webbanking worked again, but still no verification at play-asia! ft:
    I waited, tried again, waited, tried again, ...
    This weekend when I got home, I used my mom's visa card, and that one couldn't be verified either!
    She used it the same day on another website (an American), and there it worked just fine!

    I contacted them again, but they said they couldn't help me...
    What the **** is going on????
    They say they get this error on my order: 'credit card declined'.
    But I'm sure my credit card is valid, I can use it on DVDBO and other websites, but NOT on play-asia.
    I already ordered a lot during the last few months at play-asia, and everytime it worked, but now suddenly it doesn't.

    I already contacted my bank, and they said there's nothing wrong...

    I doubt Play Asia would be able to tell yo umuch at all, all they would know is whether or not the authorization was accepted or declined by your bankers. Id suggest you take it up with them, as I cant really think what PA could possibly do. Someone else may have other ideas though, so you might be lucky. I used my Visa last night with them, no problems at all


      I had this problem with them once. They even took the option to pay by credit card off my account because it had been refused a couple of times. I emailed them got the option reinstated and from then on its worked just fine. The problem was with my bank randomly checking various credit card transactions. They were trying to get extra verification on this particular transaction which play asia didnt have access to. Phone your Credit Card company they may have records of what has been happening and can halt this extra verification procedure happening.



        You could setup and use a PayPal account, i had one anyway and ordered a couple of items off Play-Asia with no problems.

        Maybe your CC issuer may block payments to certain countries


          Yeah set up a paypal account or steal one of your mates or relatives credit cards and use that to pay Play Asia.


            I hat the same problem today when I ordered my Metallica tickets.
            Weird stuff.
            Couldn't be bothered to phone the credit card company though heh
            (they seem to be really slow lately too...)


              I hat the same problem today when I ordered my Metallica tickets.
              Weird stuff.
              Couldn't be bothered to phone the credit card company though heh
              (they seem to be really slow lately too...)


                I ordered 2 products from PlayAsia on the 16th using VISA and I didn't have a problem. I guess maybe I have to check my statement later on and I suggest you might want to check that with the bank as well.

                Otherwise PlayAsia has been very reliable. Perhaps someone from NTSC UK can inform playAsia of this problem if it becomes to frequent. I am sure they will listen to a affiliate site.


                  I ordered 2 products from PlayAsia on the 16th using VISA and I didn't have a problem. I guess maybe I have to check my statement later on and I suggest you might want to check that with the bank as well.

                  Otherwise PlayAsia has been very reliable. Perhaps someone from NTSC UK can inform playAsia of this problem if it becomes to frequent. I am sure they will listen to a affiliate site.


                    I ordered 2 products from PlayAsia on the 16th using VISA and I didn't have a problem. I guess maybe I have to check my statement later on and I suggest you might want to check that with the bank as well.

                    Otherwise PlayAsia has been very reliable. Perhaps someone from NTSC UK can inform playAsia of this problem if it becomes to frequent. I am sure they will listen to a affiliate site.

