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Transfer pre-installed game from new 3DS to old 3DS?

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    Transfer pre-installed game from new 3DS to old 3DS?

    Can't seem to find a straight answer for this.

    I have a New 3DS with AC: HHD pre-installed. I also have an old-style 3DS XL with New Leaf pre-installed. I want to be able to transfer HHD to my old 3DS XL console without losing New Leaf and my other data on the old console. So the new console would essentially be blank, but the old XL would have both HHD and New Leaf on. Is this possible!?

    3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129

    Just to jump in here.

    Animal Crossing: New Leaf is quite unique among 3DS games in that the downloaded (or on-3DS) version is just one big file as far as the 3DS is concerned. It doesn't have separate game-data to the actual game.

    For most 3DS games, when you do a transfer, you can select the option to just transfer your save-data, and then re-download the games on the new machine and they still work.

    This is not the case with New Leaf. Doing it that way will destroy your data. You have to copy across all content to preserve it.


      I think the answer is "not directly" to the original question. You can transfer everything from the old 3DS to the new one and keep HHD but not the other way around.
      However, if you transfer to the new 3DS first, use the download to get HHD, then transfer back to the old 3DS, it should work. It'll just take quite some time.

