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Backup/archiving options?

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    Backup/archiving options?

    I backup pretty regularly but have the absolute worst systems in the world for backing up. On a day to day basis, I either chuck stuff up on Dropbox or mail small files to myself. I tend to work with video though so some of my files are huge and, when a project is finished, I can have 100GB or so from it taking up space on my drive. Usually I end up chucking a couple of copies of the stuff on to hard drives and storing one off site.

    It has worked over the years but there is no real system to it and it's messy.

    It might be time for me to look into doing this better. So what are the options? What do you guys use for backup or archiving files?

    Windows allows a very simple way, if you have an external USB drive you can schedule a once weekly (or whenever) back up to run for certain folders - the drive would always need to be connected for continuous back ups.


      If you have a good connection the it is worth looking at Amazon Glacier. It is very cost effective to store data but retrievals are alittle more expensive.

      Find detailed information on Free Tier, storage pricing, requests and data retrieval pricing, data transfer and transfer acceleration pricing, and data management features pricing options for all classes of S3 cloud storage.


        I use sugarsync. Here's my referral link:

        It automatically backs up all your stuff in real time, with versioning.

        I also backup to a HDD using FreefileSync with the mirror setting (careful - it comes with some stuff that you should untick during install!!!) - you create a batch file and I click on it every now and then (once a week?). It only backs up new, changed or deleted stuff


          Thanks guys. That Amazon one looks interesting for the files I tend to just archive. With those, it is rare I'll ever need to pull them down again but I need them somewhere just in case. Must look into that Windows backup though. That could be a handy thing right away.

