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Power problem

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    Power problem

    I guys i have a pal gamecube and i'm now in Venezuela, and apparently they have the same voltage as in the States here. Can anyone tell me what kind of adaptor do i need to plug my cube please?


    If you move there permanently why not treat yourself a US Gamecube

    Gamecube in Europe used about 220-240 volts and while Gamecube in Japan / USA used about 110 volts so you probably need a step up transformer, but is it worth the heartache of finding one in Venezula.


      Thanks for your help, i think i'm gonna try to buy a GC transformer here, i'll think about getting a us cube . but i want to play my pal F-Zero, which doesn't work with a freeloader according to what i've heard, and atm i'm a bit short of money.


        You need one of these


          What about TV's? Don't they have NTSC TV's? If so, your PAL cube might not work.


            i don't know it's a 60hz tv and i though that by putting on the 60hz mode of the pal GC it would work but i'm really not sure.


              Just leave it for now and save up for an American gamecube as it will make things easier on TV and power supply problem and doesn't rely on useless freeloader.

              Why not ask to swap power supply for UK for an Jap/USA one in trading folder.


                As far as I am aware, most US TV's don't display pal60. PM JRM and ask him.


                  well i think i'm gonna wait and buy an us cube. Thanks for the advices. However i have the folowing pal games and i would like to know which one of them will work with the freeloader (please i would like to konw which version to buy as well):
                  SCII, FZ, MP,SMB, ZTWW, SSMB, RE, MKD.
                  Thank u. Are the meory cards and controlers region free or should i buy other ones as well?
                  i konw it's a lot of question but i'm lost in the middle of the jungle here and there's not much to do so i would like to be able to play my games

