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DNAS authentication?

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    DNAS authentication?


    Does anyone have any technical info on DNAS authentication, particularly whether there have been any changes/updates since it was first implemented?

    I'm having trouble getting online with a jpn game, and suspect it could be region/mod chip/cheat device protection of some kind.



    This Software uses ?DNAS? (Dynamic Network Authentication System), a proprietary authentication system created by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (?SCEI?).

    ?DNAS? retrieves information about a user?s hardware and software for authentication, copy protection, account blocking, system, rules, or game management and other purposes.

    Theres a good independant faq here too:

    Looks like mod chip protection then, but its strange that eur games using dnas run fine.


      So would a Jap modded ps2 have problems running Pal games online ??

      Or worse still will Jap GT4 not run online on my chipped Pal unit ??

      Say it aint sooo......


        Originally posted by Shimmyhill
        So would a Jap modded ps2 have problems running Pal games online ??

        Or worse still will Jap GT4 not run online on my chipped Pal unit ??
        Does seem that way.

        dnas prevents network games going online with either a mod chipped machine, or a chipped different region machine (or both).

        I have a pal PS2, so maybe my pal dnas games run ok because the Messiah turns itself off when running native games? Either that or dnas is able to deduce the region (pal, ntsc-us, ntsc-jpn) by examining the bios (for example) instead.

        I've ran us Amplitude online without problems, but that doesn't use dnas.


          It doesnt switch of as far as i know but maybe like you said its the bios that tells DNAS that it is Pal.

          All the Pal DNAS games i have work (im on the beta so i have quite a few) including Socomm 2.

          I would be gutted if i couldnt play GT4 online as im looking forward to this more than any other online game.

          Maybe ill invest in a jap/us DNAS gane to test on mine, Any suggestions m8 ??


            Originally posted by Shimmyhill
            Maybe ill invest in a jap/us DNAS gane to test on mine, Any suggestions m8 ??
            Mojibribon is the game thats not working for me, but a better test might be ntsc-us Socom II or ntsc-jpn Biohazard Outbreak.

            I get the feeling Sony update DNAS over time to detect newer mod chips/anti cheat devices, so the newer the game the better the test.


              DNAS will more than likely detect your consoles region from its bios.
              Detection of mod chips may take place but I'm not sure as yet.

              However, DNAS config files are stored on your memory card. Have you tried with a fresh formatted card? or no card at all? (probably wont work with no card)


                Originally posted by yashiro
                However, DNAS config files are stored on your memory card. Have you tried with a fresh formatted card? or no card at all? (probably wont work with no card)
                How niave, bless.

                It detects on the fly.


                  Could you be anymore rude? I was only suggesting something to try.

                  There are differing implementations of dnas. I could tell you more but I'd be wasting my time.


                    Originally posted by yashiro
                    Could you be anymore rude?
                    Easily, but I was just kidding, sorry

                    Perhaps you could elaborate?

                    I'm sure there are updates to what dnas does and doesn't detect.

                    What do you know about?


                      Originally posted by Papercut
                      Originally posted by yashiro
                      Could you be anymore rude?
                      Easily, but I was just kidding, sorry

                      I laughed out loud there.classic


                        but please remember, I was in the wrong.

                        I blame all this beer I've drunk right here.

                        Sorry, yashiro.


                          Where's my beer? Pfft.

                          This auth system is constantly being updated. As I've said many a time online gaming is bad for the importer.

                          I wish they'd lose the region locks and let us all play together dammit.


                            Originally posted by yashiro
                            Where's my beer? Pfft.
                            Hey d00d, its christmas

                            I have a b33r with you'r3 name on it right here


                              Whilst on a beta game late one night a guy who claimed he was from sony [no way to verify] said that the DNAS stuff would detect mod chips and once they had games using central station they would be able to ban
                              pirates and hacked copies [ala xbox live]. I'm hoping they don't extend
                              this to mod chips and import copies although I can see that it might be hard for them to detect that its a mod but for only import stuff


