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Windows Media Player - skips during video and audio

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    Windows Media Player - skips during video and audio

    Why do Media Player and Winamp skip? When I'm playing an MP3 or watching a video, it'll just skip forward a second or two for no apparent reason. I don't think it's a hardware problem, because when I use other audio programs such as Winrip, the problem disappears. Therefore I'm pretty sure it's a software problem. If a kind sould could point out the problem, I'd be most grateful. Yahoo and Google yielded no help...

    WMP and Winamp both do this with small files. (particularly small wavs)

    1.Do they both skip with standard sized mp3's?

    2.If you ONLY play an mp3 and do NOTHING else is does it still occur?
    (kill all the crap in your tray too)

    Could be a directsound audio driver bug. You have tried to update your drivers and directx.


      Yeah, it does it whether it's completely on its own or if I'm listening to music while playing games. It also does it in Real Player when watching very large videos (like hi-res trailers etc.).


        Motherboard? Cpu? OS? DirectX version? Soundcard?

        Things to do.

        Update directx and your sound drivers.
        Make sure your disk drives are running in ATA mode.
        Update your IDE drivers. (if via chipset mobo)
        Check for anything you can alter in the bios.(irqs,latency)
        Defrag your HD.
        Check no sneaky bull**** apps AND services (services.msc) are running.
        If the mobo has onboard sound try using that
        Or instead make sure onboard sound is disabled in the bios.
        Switch Winamps output between Directsound Out and WaveOut, see what works.
        Run dxdiag.exe. Try the audio tests. Perhaps try changing the level of hardware acceleration.
        Get a new sound card.
        Get a new motherboard.
        Try the Via latency patch from

        General driver related weirdness is most likely. (Creative audio on Via boards usually have issues)



          Cheers Yash man .


            For anyone else reading we updated his soundcard driver and applied the Via latency patch.

