
No announcement yet. broadband ok for xbox live?

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new posts broadband ok for xbox live?

    not entirely sure if this is the right place, but anyway....

    I finally got an xbox live starter kit, and broadband is at last available in my area.
    For the past few years i've been using with 56k , and never had any problems, so i'm thinking of sticking with them for broadband (obviously i will use it on my Mac too)

    ....but i just wanted to see if anybody else was using them with Xbox live, and make sure it was ok for that. (i couldnt see any mention of it on virgin's site)

    so if anybody already has virgin BB and xbox live too, is it good? it ****?
    hope somebody can help

    Virgin net is fine for X-Box live. Bear in mind you would have to use a MAC variant of ICS (Internet Connection sharing on window$) on your MAC or have your own ethernet router.The only problem with Virgin ADSL is that their ADSL service is less than reliable. My next door neighbour has got a subscription to them, as have numerous other people I know. Their DNS servers and a lot of their connectivity frequently goes down. I would avoid like the plague.

    A good site to check would be and check out the message boards. The two most reliable ADSL ISPs seem to be Pipex and PlusNet. I actually use PlusNet myself (even though I am typing this on my next door neighbours virgin connection because I'm picking up his WiFi access point in my back garden instead of mine, need to change that).

    Hope this helps

