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PCI or AGP Slot how to tell?????

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    PCI or AGP Slot how to tell?????

    bought my bro a couple of games for crimmbo and his pc won't run one it says minimum requirments not met

    He has a 2.3g intel celaron,80g hdd,512 mb ram and windows xp so the only thing i can see that doesn't meet the spec is the graphics chip which is a intel sommat or other

    Told him to upgrade his graphics but i don't know if its a pci or Agp slot

    how do i tell without taking the pc apart before we go shoppping

    You cant really

    Do you know what motherboard is inside it ?? If so have a look on the manufacturers site and that would tell you.

    Just pop the side off and look for a Brown Agp slot (do not confuse with the much smaller but still brown AMR slot)


      AGP slots are highest up the board and a fair distance away from the PCI slots. AGP is always the nearest slot to the CPU.

      AGP slots are usually brown.

      PCI slots are usually white.

      Get the model number of the motherboard and look up the specs on the internet.


        Open the case and have a peek inside, the only real way of telling.. The PCI slots will usually be more then 1 in number and be parallel to one another with the AGP slot offset back a little.

        See this little pic for an example.


          Now this won't be the motherboard you have probably but:

          As you can see the AGP has three different sections where as PCI only has 2. Hope this helped.


            No mate, that AGP Pro. ft:

            Stop confusing the issue!


              Only if you take out the white piece at the top there. There are 3 sections on the other picture, with a little hook at the bottom.


                It is backwards compatible but the slot is AGP Pro in size and specification.
                The "white bit" is there to stop people blowing up non pro cards.


                  But non pro cards wouldn't reach those slots even if you removed the white bit.

                  Do they change the settings for the other connections when you remove the white bit?


                    All I'm saying is you posted a pic of an AGP Pro slot labelled as AGP.
                    To top is off its a non standard green colour and will only serve to confuse people even more.


                      Did I?

                      Well there you go its an AGP Pro slot with the standard green colour from giga-byte. The guy might have an AGP pro slot for all we know anyway.

                      Sorry about all the confusion.

