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halo on the ati cards

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    halo on the ati cards

    i just go halo on my halo 2 days ago i tryed e mailing gearbox and bungie there was not mush help i got the rad 9600 pro the game works but with out all the graphic plz plz plz some help me.
    my e mail is [email protected] .

    and call of duty


      I'd heard that there were problems with Call Of Duty and ATi cards. The game works absolutely perfectly on mine, but meh.

      There are cat 3.9 drivers out now. According to the hotfix text it does mention something about CoD, not sure about Halo, but download them and see how you do.


        1) Update your drivers
        2) Come back to us and tell us if that ain't fixed it :P


          What these guys said... plus drivers for any other hardware you have.

          If that doesn't work, try and be more specific as to your problems and post your specs here for us to look at.

          I have a 9600 Pro and I don't have problems with either of those games.


            Theres a COD patch for a 9600 Pro available. Get that.

            As for HALO, bear in mind it was programmed for an NV card in mind. Unless your running cat 3.7's or below, the game is about as fast as it can get. Or get an overlocker (RVTweaker) and start with your at Mem @ 340mhz and Processor @ 479mhz.
            That should help with all games.


              thanks guys i will try that


                i downloaded the cat driver 3.10 and halo graphics are still **** but call of duty is now working lol is there a graphic setting that i got to change to play halo on the ati card.Do i change a graphic setting on the ati display settings and if so what to.....


                  my spec
                  p4 2.6
                  512 ddr
                  rad 9600 pro extreme 128 ram game buster
                  a bit basic but it will do me


                    Try the DNA drivers... can't remember the link now but Halo works fine on my 9600 Pro without changing any options. That said, I've just re-installed Win2K on my system as my WinXP installation was giving me gyp and I remember that the textures were messed up before on XP.


                      so what the fock i am diding wrong cod works fine sweet as a nut but halo looks crap i did all of the above there must be a setting for me to change . come on guys your the best at gamming plz do not let me down .


                        I started to play Halo on my old nvidia card, and even with the graphic detail on full it looked utterly ****.

                        The textures and the effects weren't even close to the XB version.


                          i can play halo but as you guys know the graphics are crap and there are no textures that what happing


                            I can confirm HALO plays better on a 1.8 athlon with GF3 then my P4 2.8 with a 9600 Pro.
                            Again, the bear in mind the age of the game. An Xbox has an NVidia chip.


                              Originally posted by cpt_zod
                              i can play halo but as you guys know the graphics are crap and there are no textures that what happing
                              Try running the game in Windows 2K or 98 compatability mode.

