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XBOX and emulation..completey clueless!!

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    XBOX and emulation..completey clueless!!

    Hi peeps

    To start I should point out that I am completely new to emulation and stuff so please forgive my ignorance...or stupidity.

    Anyways I am thinking of picking up an XBOX, as I have read that people can download classic SNES games and Megadrive games to the XB's harddrive. I had been thinking of picking up these machines to play their classic titles, but they are much too pricey, so I figured I would get an XBOX now they are nice and cheap instead.

    So here goes...I buy the XBOX then what...chip it?

    Where do I get the games from?

    How many can I store?

    Is it worth it?

    What else can I do with a chipped XBOX?

    Will I be able to procure classic/obscure titles like ESWAT, Actraiser, Streetes of Rage 2?

    Basically what is the process once I buy my XBOX from the High Street, and how much is it likely to cost?

    And how do I get the games downloaded to my XBOX?

    As you can see I am completely clueless, so thanks in advance for any advice you can offer me!


    a) You'll need to get a chipped XBox yes.

    a - ii) If you've not got your Box yet, I'd recommend keeping an eye on the For Sale folder for one that has already been done, or buying it premodded by some other means, to minimise shipping charges.

    b) Where to get games from is ROM requesting, and a sure route to a swift slap on the forum; none of this is strictly legal. You'll have to be clever on that front, sorry.

    c) The default hard-drive on an XBox is around 10Gb, depending on which one you buy. But, if you're clever or just pay someone else who is, you can switch it for a larger drive. Or just play everything off CDRs, if you'd rather.

    d) I personally don't consider it to be worth it, as MAME and so on run just fine on my PC with my DC arcade stick, rather than an XBox pad, and I don't want to run the risk of getting banned from Live. Loads of people would disagree with me, however, so horses for courses.

    e) Oooh, loads of things. Play movies, music and generally do things that any other PC can do. Plus play import XBox games, which is the only thing I'd be interested in, to be honest.

    f) Trust me, Streets Of Rage 2 is far from obscure in comparison to some of the games that run in MAME now.

    As for cost, and how to do things, sorry - I can't answer that as I've not done it.


      Http:// check out the guide i wrote for people who know absolutley nothing and want it in so much detail it does it for you. I wrote it because i was fed up with guides that never ever told you everything and jumped from one point to the next.


        Thanks to Mid and DJ Sacks, all your help was much appreciated...oh and thanks to the peeps that PM'd me.

        Nice work fellas!


          Originally posted by DJ Sack
          Http:// check out the guide i wrote for people who know absolutley nothing and want it in so much detail it does it for you. I wrote it because i was fed up with guides that never ever told you everything and jumped from one point to the next.
          cool guide I got all the way upto the evox 2 download but couldn`t find the iso in it. is it missing or did i make a mistake?

