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Does a stepdown need to be unplugged?

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    Does a stepdown need to be unplugged?

    Got my Jap PS2 today and I've been playing quite a lot now.
    But I wonder if it's safe to leave the stepdown plugged into the socket, it gets a bit hot after a while. Should I unplug it every time I'm not using the PS2?

    There's no rule that says you have to - but I generally do. In fact I don't leave very much electrical equipment on stand by.



      i leave mine on but i've got a surge protection plug, but unplug it to let it cool i think


        I never unplug any of mine...


          I normally unplug all equipment that is not in use for the following reasons...

          Items on stand by still drain electricity.

          Transformers will still transform power and still consume electricty.

          Unplugging them means that there is no likelyhood that anything will suffer a terminal failure, get hot, catch on fire, burn your house down, etc.

          So unplug devices that won't be in use, saves you money and reduces the risk of fire.


            One of my step downs has an on off switch so i leave that plugged in, but the other has no on off sitch and if left plugged in i find can get extremly hot unpluggings always the safest way


              Easiest way is to buy a 6 way gang with an on off switch that lights up. You can then easily see when it's switched on and can easily turn it off by stabbing it with your foot on the way out the door.


                No harm can be caused by leaving it plugged in as far as i'm aware, if your indoubt just flick the switch off on the socket. I've had a stepdown plugged in with my Jap DC for about five years now with no problems, the same with a R1 pioneer dvd player bought in sept 98 so i shouldn't worry

