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Cube Crashing

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    Cube Crashing

    My damn Cube keeps crashing, abritraily, needless to say I have been abusing it, but anyone got any ideas, a quick hoover might do the trick?

    Make sure there is nothing covered at the left or right side of gamecube to allow it to keep cool. I remember when I put PS2 next to gamecube on a table it make metroid prime freeze.

    Also check the disk and clean the lens I think with cotton wool bod dipped with alcholol (Not sure). If it is under warranty - get it repaired or checked out.


      As Legendary says, its normally ovrheating that causes random gcn crashes.

      I'd open it up to remove any dust/fluff from around the air intake and fan.

      If you suspect the disk mechanism, a good test is Animal Crossing. Once it has loaded, it doesn't access the disk again. That means if you boot Animal Crossing and leave it running, if your Cube crashes it is _not_ the disk mechanism at fault.

      Another good disk test is running a game that streams a lot of video during it's attract mode (most Cube games do). Let it crash a few times. If the drive is at fault you'd expect it to crash more often, usually when video is being streamed off the disk.

      I wouldn't try cleaning the lens unless you're sure the drive has a problem, its easy to damage a disk lens.


        Thanks for the advice people, I am gonna try a hoover, it only started crashing whilst I was at the folks over chrimbo, it my have inhaled a cat or something. I don't have the proper screwdrivers to open the thing up though. The way it's crashing implies overheating really, it seems to happen after a period of time as opposed to key events on screen.


          Instead of a hoover it's much better to use air-duster on your machines.

          I use it on the vents of my machines on a regular.

          Maplin part number - N60AN
          Or give Cricklewood Electronics a call on 02084520161 - they have it much cheaper.


            Well it wasn't pretty, but I hoovered it and it seems, I say again, seems to have done the trick, it was pretty grim in their though, so I hio, I say again, hope thats the banana.

