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Need advice on a new TV please

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    Need advice on a new TV please

    Ok I really need help. I'm in a vicious circle of rubbish widescreen TVs and I need a decent one. This is what I've had:

    Panasonic PS12C (or similar model)
    It had:
    28" flatScreen
    Nicam Sound and cost me ?599 from Currys. but I found out after I could have got it about ?100 cheaper online.

    What was good about it?
    Flicker free, simply excellent picture quality, great looks.

    What was wrong with it?
    Very bad geometry. Loads of problems all over the place when camera pans, text scrolls. When scrolling through options side of screen waved about, side of screen was more stretched than the middle....

    I had to get rid of it as the problems were too bad. I was refunded and for ?529.99 bought a brand new Samsung model-WS32Z46VS and it was delivered today.

    It was cheaper than the Panasonic and had:
    32" screen rather than 28" on the Panasonic
    Virtual Dolby rather than Nicam
    100hz like Panasonic
    Flatscreen like Panasonic
    Good looks.

    What's was good about it?
    Barely any geometry problems. Great sound.

    What's bad about it?
    AWFUL picture quality. Really noticeable fuzzyness/pixellation even on crystal clear Sky digital, and on DVDs/games with a very high quality RGB cable. I think it may be called colour bleed-as around all pictures the colour is all leaking everywhere if you look closely. It's not noticeable if you sit far away, but the general quality's really bad. And that's out of order for a 32" flatscreen 100hz, apparently a brand new model...

    BTW it's not my signal or anything, as firstly it's Sky Digital and looked great on the Panasonic (as I said, although the TV had geometry problems) and secondly it works great on other TVs. And as I said I tried games consoles/DVD players and they looked the same.

    What do I want?
    -I want a flatscreen TV costing up to ?600 which is widescreen, and doesn't have any picture quality problems. Picture quality with high quality DVD players/games and Sky Digital needs to be excellent. I don't mind small geometry problems like small bends, but can't live with any odd problems like with my Panasonic-pincuishon effect when camera pans, picture stretched everywhere.
    -It has to look nice, and have a sturdy stand. (The samsung stand is pathetic).
    -It doesn't have to be 100hz, as long as the picture doesn't flicker/shake and is impressive with no flaws.
    -Nicam stereo's fine, but virtual dolby would be a bonus.
    -It's very important that the TV has a feature where when it detects a widescreen signal (through SKY) then the screen goes into wide mode. I hate fiddling around with every programme on this Samsung to see which looks best.
    -An autofit option is on most widescreens these days. However it has to be a decent one, rather than one which simply stretches the picture horizontally. The Panasonic one looked quite bad in 4:3 broadcasts, but this Samsung looks quite good if I put it in panorama mode.
    -30-32" (or bigger!) for the price.

    Those things above are what I'm looking for. Extras like 100hz, Dolby and so on aren't necessary but are a bonus. I mostly want a TV which don't have geometry problems across the range (if your models 'ok' and other people have complained that there one's aren't) and it has to have an excellent quality flatscreen with no flaws. (The panasonic one was very good picture, but as I've said the geometry problems were bad).

    So if you own a widescreen TV you're happy with then please tell me the model, and any details about it. I'll do the research myself unless you have some links! Don't worry if you do a quick search and it costs ?700 or something, as I've found that online prices vary massively. I'd prefer a Japanese company as they are more reliable. (and lastly don't tell me I can't get a widescreen with a decent picture for ?600 or less, as the Panasonic would have been fantastic bar its problems).

    Please help me out, I'm sick of going to so much trouble to return TVs time and time again.

    Admittedly I don't have one (although I wish I did) but a lot of people on these forums have got good things to say about the Toshiba 28ZD26. Yes it's only 28" but it's packed full of features and best of all does prog scan. It's yours for a little over ?500. Bargain.


      Thanks for that, it is a bargain. I wish I would have bought that instead of the 28" Panasonic originally...

      As enticing as progressive scan etc is, I don't want a 100hz TV-all the bad effects of them I have to live without. I will recommend that TV though, it's VERY cheap for what it is...

      I've been also recommended the JVC AV-32R25, around ?560. It's 50hz, everything else I wanted, and also has prologic which is a bonus. Please make any recommendations people!


        Personally i love my SONY 32" Widescreen triniton TV. I've never had any problems with it and the picture quality through sonys trinitron range is superb.

        have a look here for a good deal

        edit : theres a good one in the sale at the moment

        ?379.98 inc VAT

        28" 66cm visible FD Triniton WEGA screen

        Textext with 10-page memory

        Auto noise reduction


        Automatic installation

        SmartZoom, Zoom, 4: 3, 14: 9, Wide display modes

        NICAM stereo

        2x 5W RMS output

        Sleep Timer


        2x SCART sockets

        Front AV-in

        Cabinet included


          Originally posted by gossi the dog
          people on these forums have got good things to say about the Toshiba 28ZD26. Yes it's only 28" but it's packed full of features and best of all does prog scan. It's yours for a little over ?500. Bargain.
          I would second this too, if you can get hold of it that is due to its discontinuation.


            Thanks again.

            The Toshiba's nice as I said, but the 4" make a difference and they don't do it in 32". I was looking at a similar 32" Toshiba, but when searching forums for info, I was encountered with dozens of posts about bad geometry which can't be fixed, and other problems. Same with my Panasonic (should have looked before I bought it).

            This JVC, and I normally wouldn't go for JVC, is quite a new model and I've only found very positive reviews of it, and the only problems were slight geo problems if any, which are very easily fixed with the service menu. Picture's meant to be excellent. So from other forums recommending that, it seems good enough.

            Any other people want to help?


              And the Sony's smaller, and I personally think all the Sony widescreens look awful-most of them are curvy and look really oddly stupid.


                To be honest, 32" CRT with a flat front is a seriously difficult job to do without at least minor geometry problems. Unless you really can't do 28", I suspect you're going to need to fork out major cash to avoid them.


                  In all honesty 99% of crt's have geometry issues, obviously some more than others. My first foray into the wonderfull world of 16:9 tv's was a 28inch Toshiba way back in 98, at the time it was a flagship model with 100hz built in DD etc but it had serious geometry problems. The outer edges of the picture bowed/curved and once i noticed it i couldn't get it out of my head.I put up with it though, i then went up to a bigger and much better Toshiba 36ZP18 picture frame tv. This also had issues with geometry but now where near as bad as my previous experience and was a superb tv. The big advantage with toshiba crt's is they offer an option in the menu to tweak the size of picture settings so you can get rid of some of the problems. In short no crt television is perfect and if i bought another crt it would be a Toshiba, they make the best mass produced crt's in the world.
                  I now have perfect geometry as i am a very lucky bunny and have a lovely 42 inch plasma hanging on my wall


                    Well if you want a 32" WS I'd recommend the Panasonic PD30, but it isn't cheap


                      I'd prefer to steer away from Panasonic going by my last widescreen which I had to return due to so many problems! And that was expensive too. And a highly rated model.


                        I'm today finally getting a replacement for my Panasonic TX21AP1 21" flat CRT, good picture quality but I got very annoying color impurity problems.


                          I'm having the Samsung picked up and the JVC mentioned above delivered next Thursday. I would usually buy an established brand like Panasonic, Toshiba but after searching on AV forums etc I found that every model I found, people had problems with. I was then recommended the JVC, had a look, and all reviews and opinions are very positive.

                          electrical discount UK did a deal with me. Instead of me sending my TV back to them (they collect) and deciding themselves where it's faulty or not, they'll give me the ?670 JVC for ?650 and won't charge the ?30 or so delivery, and take my word that the Samsung's messed up and just swap them around on the day. If there any geometry problems, apparently they're all easily fixable with their simple service menu. 3rd Widescreen in 4 weeks or so, and I hope I can keep this one!

